Friday, 13 April 2012

SwaddleMe Adjustable Infant Wrap

baby sleeping bags, baby swaddle
Anyone who has had a baby knows all about swaddling a baby.  Swaddle this way, swaddle that way, use this blanket, use this wrap.

I think I have found the ultimate product.  It is the SwaddleMe Adjustable Infant Wrap.

For my first child I used a number of different wraps to swaddle her at night.  And almost every time she unwrapped herself.  This obviously meant less sleep for everyone involved which was not a positive step.

Now with my newborn in tow, I can safely say that the SwaddleMe wrap WORKS.

It truly works. He never gets out of it. It is so simple and easy to use.  It comes in so many great colours, fabrics and sizes that I love it and highly recommend it to any mum who wants more sleep!

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